Tatsunori Taniai, Ph.D.
谷合 竜典

I am a Senior Researcher in the Knowledge Computing Group at OMRON SINIC X Corporation, based in Tokyo, Japan. Through my research, I am pursuing "Principled AI," a new methodology in the era of deep learning. My research interests include geometric and photometric 3D vision and physics-informed machine learning.

Topics: Autonomy, Sensing, 3D vision, Physics-informed ML.

Call for Interns: I am seeking an intern to work intensively with me on a geometry-related problem in 3D computer vision or physics-informed machine learning, with the goal of publishing a paper at CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICML, NeurIPS, or ICLR.

Email: tatsunori.taniai [at] sinicx.com

Tatsunori Taniai

Research Projects



Professional Experience



Awards and Honors


Books and Chapters

Journal Papers

International Conference Papers

Invited Talks

Domestic Conference Papers
